RVs & Campers For Sale near Seattle, Washington

Why Buy an RV?
While some might tell you RV season only takes place during the warm months, if you ask us, RV season is all year long! Some people love camping so much, they choose to switch to RV living full-time. So is an RV the right investment for you? Stop by Sumner RV and we’ll help you decide which model might just be the right fit for your camping preferences. You’ll find us in Sumner, Washington.Size
When you step onto our lot, the first thing you’ll notice is the wide range of sizes from one group of RVs to the next. Some models are large and in charge, built for big camping parties or full-time RVing. Other models are more compact, providing space for solo travelers and couples to enjoy a hassle-free, more flexible camping experience. And then there are models that fall somewhere between these two extremes.Your first point of business is to decide size is right for you. Consider how many beds you’ll need and how much space you’ll want.
Easy Transportation
We’ll admit, some RVs are easier to transport than others, but we’re confident that anyone can learn to transport any RV. Not to mention, you’ll have a few options when it comes to how your RV gets from one place to the next. Some models come with their own drivetrain, including cockpit, engine, and fuel source. Others will require a separate commuter vehicle to tow them from one place to the next. We recommend that you practice transporting any RV you invest in, but rest assured, they’re all conquerable.Think about what you’ll be most comfortable carting around and most confident with. If you’re getting a towable RV, make sure you have a suitable tow vehicle to match the weight requirements.
The Luxuries
Of course, the best part about shopping for--and owning--an RV is all the luxuries you’ll get with your camper. Some models even offer the ultimate experience with multiple private rooms, washer/dryer hookup, and a ceiling fan. Of course, some models are simpler, to suit those who want a less extravagant experience.Figure out where on the spectrum you fall. Set aside some time to skim through common RV features and make a list of amenities you need and want so we can help you narrow down your options.
Ready to check out some RVs for sale? Stop by Sumner RV, located in Sumner, WA, and we’ll introduce you to your perfect camper. We welcome all those from Seattle and Olympia, Washington.